Classic PC Games is a place for anyone interested in video games, doesn’t matter your age or what type of person you are. Since video games are meant for everyone, we share the same feelings each time we play our favorite video game or spent time reading about the most interesting facts of our favorite console.
That’s why the magazine receives anyone interested in working with us with open arms. Since our ultimate goal is to write the best reviews and share the best content on vintage video games. We often need help from our fellow readers that might know something about these subjects that we don’t.
So if you are in fact interested in writing for us. You first need to have the necessary knowledge in retro gaming for doing so. So if you are an Atari fan and you already know a lot in this field, you can write an article about retro gaming.
It can be about the video game that changed your life when you were a kid or your favorite video game event from the past. You can even talk about your favorite console and why you recommended even to this day. The important part is that you stick with the video game content.
If you write the article and we like it, we would contact you as soon as possible to tell you that you might be a member of our team, and we’ll pay you for your work. You can also make reviews about the many different games that form part in the catalog of retro gaming.